News from the Traffic and Safety Committee

The KPCA Traffic and Safety Committee was formed in 2015 in response to residents’ concerns about speed on some neighborhood streets.  We work closely with community members as well as county officials to prioritize and respond to neighbors’ concerns.

The committee first posted an online survey regarding traffic and pedestrian safety which heelps prioritize the needs of the community and our approach with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation and Police Department.  Traffic surveys were then implemented on Millwood Rd. and Tanglewood Dr. And we have requested traffic surveys for Lenox, and Plainview, as well as SMART (Speed Monitoring Awareness Radar Trailer) on various streets in the neighborhood.  If deemed necessary, we will use results of the traffic surveys to implement additional traffic calming measures with community approval.

As neighbors, we all need to be vigilant in terms of how we drive and walk through the neighborhoods.  Please be respectful of others when driving by obeying all traffic signs and driving cautiously throughout the neighborhood – and NOT using your cell phones while driving.  We have a busy and active community with many school children and pedestrian walkers and runners.  Just following some of the basics “rules of the road” will go a long way in keeping everyone safe:

  • drive cautiously and make complete stops at stop signs;
  • when walking, walk against traffic and when biking, bike with traffic;
  • wear reflective clothing when out at night and
  • kids (both big and small) need reminders too!

Please send any questions or concerns to Chair Katherine Kerxton at

News from the Garden Club

The Landscaping cleanup at the Goldsboro entrance to Kenwood Park was completed over the 4th of July weekend. Next will be the repair and cleanup of our brick signs and the cleanup at Lenox Circle.

KPCA is interested in raising funds to place another Kenwood park sign at the entrance to the neighborhood at Whittier and River.  We will be researching possible locations and costs for the signage.  If anyone is interested in helping with this project, please contact the Garden Club Chair, Sinaly Roy, at

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